Turnover was$ 9.8 billion, with China Telecom seeing the most active trade at$ 1.03 billion. 成交额为九十八亿,其中中国电信成交最活跃,成交额达十亿三千万。
We have taken an active part in the trade finance program of the International Finance Corporation and provided financing support to the IMF, which will be mainly used to help developing countries. 我们积极参与国际金融公司贸易融资计划,向国际货币基金组织提供融资支持并主要用于帮助发展中国家。
We are a responsible and active participant in Global trade, and we will not have a free lunch in the Doha Round talks. 我们是全球贸易的负责任的积极参与者,所以我们在多哈回合谈判中不会吃免费的午餐。
Through active trade defence mechanisms, supported by WTO rules, it will not allow its industry to be jeopardised by unfair competition. 借助积极、且符合世界贸易组织(wto)规则的贸易防卫机制,巴西不会容许本国产业受到不公平竞争的损害。
Trade and logistics: Huangmei is active in trade economy, the logistics is developing rapidly. (六)贸物流:黄梅商贸经济活跃,物流产业发展迅速。
Both sides will adopt active measures to facilitate trade and investment cooperation between enterprises of the two countries. 双方将采取积极措施为两国企业开展贸易和投资合作提供便利。
Moreover, China has been active in doing trade and investment deals with Iran, covering pipelines, long-term gas supplies and important infrastructure development in Iran. 此外,中国与伊朗的贸易和投资往来一直较活跃,内容涉及油气管道、天然气长期供应和重要的伊朗基础设施开发。
Cantonese Merchants Active in Sino-Japan Trade in Japanese Harbor Cities in the Qing Dynasty 清代活跃在中日贸易及日本港市的广东商人
One Korean-Chinese man who visited relatives in Hoeryong last year also describes an increasingly active drug trade. 一位中国鲜族人去年曾到会宁探亲,他谈到了日益猖獗的毒品交易。
This barrier mode will for a long term exist, and will accompany the uncertainty of the world economic recovery and play an active role in international trade. 这一壁垒模式将长期存在,并伴随世界经济复苏前景的不确定性,在国际贸易领域“大显身手”。
Finally, we had extraterritoriality and used this legal advantage in order to be extremely active in the opium trade. 最后,我们有治外法权,并利用这一法律的好处,以极为活跃在鸦片贸易。
She was an active trade unionist and had been elected a shop steward. 她是积极的工会成员,获选为工会谈判代表。
She's an active member of her trade union. 她是工会中的一个积极分子。
There would be an active trade in Highland cows to meet tax payments, but people would continue to take their banknotes English pounds, euros, or US dollars, as Tesco preferred not cattle to the shops. 那么,为了满足纳税需要,苏格兰高地牛的交易就会活跃起来,但人们将继续携带纸币英镑、欧元或者特易购所偏爱的美元而不是牛去商店。
Today, our trade committee is working active on international trade agreements through our relationship with national sporting goods federations but also directly with governments. 现今,通过与各国体育用品联合会的协作,以及与各国政府的直接合作,我们的贸易委员会在促进国际贸易交易方面正在发挥积极有效的作用。
Active trade intervention abroad, in other words, is accommodated by rising trade deficits in the US. 换句话说,他国积极的贸易干预,须以美国贸易赤字的上升进行调节。
Washington has a large and active community of trade negotiators, lawyers, lobbyists, academics and think-tankers, not to mention journalists. 华盛顿聚集着一大群活跃的贸易谈判代表、律师、游说者、学者和智库,更不用说还有记者。
A protruding feature in the South African market is active transit trade; 南非市场的一个突出特点是转口贸易活跃,许多国际商人把南非作为进入其他南部非洲国家市场的跳板。
In foreign economic relations, the new road motivates active development of foreign trade and economic cooperation and pushes the realization of gradual world economic integration, paying attention to both Smith Ricardo's world economics and List's national economics. 在对外经济关系上,既重视斯密、李嘉图的世界经济学,也重视李斯特的国民经济学,积极发展对外经贸关系,循序渐进地实现同世界经济的一体化。
Surveying the Current Active Trade Balance of China 审视中国当前的贸易顺差
Post-quota Age: Active Countermeasures on Trade Frictions of Textile and Apparel 后配额时代:积极应对纺织品服装贸易摩擦
Developing Bottleneck and Countermeasure in Active Dry Yeast Trade 活性干酵母行业发展瓶颈与对策
The different listed companies, which the level of exchanging activity is different, the sensitivity that the price to the ratio is different, which means that the more active the trade is, the higher the sensitivity the price to the ratio, vice versa; 不同上市公司,其交易活跃程度不同,股票价格对流通比例的敏感度也存在差异,交易市场活跃,股票价格对流通比例的敏感度较高,反之敏感度较低;
China is also active in developing Regional Trade Arrangements ( RTAs) with countries or areas around. 中国也积极开展同周边国家及地区的区域贸易安排。
Drived by the reform and opening-up, the foreign trade and economy in Chongqing has enjoyed high speed development, and enterprises are more active in foreign trade. At the same time, the competition and challenges in the international market is increasingly fierce. 在改革开放浪潮的推动下,重庆市对外开放经济高速发展,企业对外贸易活动愈加频繁,来自国际市场的竞争和挑战也越发激烈。
Today, active of Heilongjiang trade circle is the continuation of thedevelopment of initial trade port. 今天中俄黑龙江上活跃的互市贸易圈就是最初贸易口岸发展的延续。
By multi-level diplomatic effort, such as the Summit Diplomacy, the economic diplomacy implemented concretely by commerce department, and the function diplomacy by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to implement the strategy of the free Trade Area and promote a more active free trade area construction. 中国通过首脑外交、商务部的专业外交、外交部的功能外交等各方面的外交努力,认真实施自由贸易区战略,更加积极的推进自由贸易区建设。
This brought about a period of great development of the port; the port has slowly transformed the simple role which is loading and unloading cargo into the role of active trade positions. 这就带来了港口的大发展时期,港口已经从最开始的单纯装卸货物的角色慢慢转化为主动贸易的阵地。
Since 1980s, service trade has shown strong vitality with its astonishing growth rate, becoming the most active part in international trade. 20世纪80年代以来,服务贸易以其惊人的增长速度显示着旺盛的生命力,成为国际贸易中最活跃的部分。